Create a Quick Console Command in UE5 using C++

Create a Console Command using FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs in C++

UE5 Quinn standing in Gym with FAutoConsoleCommand printing screen messages
Printing strings with FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs

Game Engine

Unreal Engine 5.5.3


Rider 2024.3.5

Project Name



macOS Sequoia 15.3

In a previous CheatManager post I talked about adding the Exec specifier to a UFUNCTION macro to add a custom console command, but there are alternative methods. One quick alternative technique is to use the FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs function.

There are a lot of examples throughout the codebase and as I searched through I landed on the AssetManager.cpp file for examples. FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs takes four parameters listed below, taken directly from the function's comments inside IConsoleManager.h

  • Name — The name of this command (must not be nullptr)
  • Help — Help text for this command
  • Command — The user function to call when this command is executed
  • Flags — Optional flags bitmask

Inside MyCheatManager.cpp I added a very simple command called TestCommand to print out argument strings. I gave it the name MyCheatManager.TestCommand, so when I'm inside the PIE I can use the tilde ~ key to bring up the command prompt and fire my new custom function.


static FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs TestCommand(
	TEXT("Test Command in MyCheatManager"),
	FConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgsDelegate::CreateStatic([](const TArray<FString>& Params, UWorld* World)
		if (Params.Num() == 0)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("No params listed"));

		for (const FString& Param : Params)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Param Name: %s"), *Param));

After recompiling we can now use our new command in PIE or other debug builds.

UE5 Quinn standing in Gym with FAutoConsoleCommand printing screen messages
Using the TestCommand in PIE

I found this to be a very cool way to quickly create a custom console command.

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